Evening hair styling

Evening hair styling, made in El grial salon, will add completeness to your look and highlight your natural beauty.

Evening styling at the GRAIL salon
Name of service Price, €.
Evening style
Short hair 20
Medium hair 30
Long hair 40
Long (40cm. and more) 50
Wedding hairstyle
Short hair 70
Medium hair 90
Long hair 120
Long (40cm. and more + hair pieces) 150
Hairstyle trial 50
Wedding makeup 100
Evening makeup 75

Our salon's stylists can create evening styling in any style and based on hair of any length.. Romantically innocent, spectacular and extravagantly complex, wedding, catwalk and cocktail options - experts will help you create exactly that look, in which you want to appear.

At the same time, we strive for harmony and integrity of our works.: evening hair styling is not chosen and created autonomously, by itself, and taking into account all factors: makeup, facial features, selected accessories and wardrobe, hair and skin texture and color. As a result, we achieve a holistic, bright and attractive image, at the same time natural and harmonious.

Finally, professional evening hair styling in the salon allows you to disguise possible flaws and highlight advantages: for example, smooth out facial asymmetry, add volume to your hair or highlight a fine neckline.

As a result, you will become the queen of the evening - and, that the image will still be yours: Just beautiful, caught at the right angle.

Evening hair styling at the GRAIL salon

In addition to excellent specialists, the quality of evening hair styling is also ensured by the premium professional products used in the salon.. They securely fix, if necessary, add volume or, on the contrary, smoothness, take care of the scalp.

Evening hair styling: How to sign up?

El grial salon is located in Alicante. You can make an appointment for evening hair styling in the salon at any time convenient for you.. However, Please, take into account, that sometimes this is a rather lengthy procedure.

In addition, if you want to make an appointment for evening hair styling with a specific salon specialist, It’s better to contact us in advance - at least 1-2 days in advance.