The longest part of the spine is the thoracic part of the skeleton., which has 12 vertebrae. This is a low-moving area, bounded by a rigid rib frame, what determines the nature of the emerging diseases, and methods of their treatment. Most often used when problems occur in the chest area. manual therapy thoracic, as a highly effective treatment procedure.
Causes of pain in the thoracic region
Painful syndrome in the thoracic region of the spine occurs for one of the following reasons:
- Thoracic injury causes muscle pain.
- Heart diseases, diseases in the digestive or respiratory organs manifest themselves as a symptom of chronic chest pain.
- Damaged ligaments or joints.
- With intercostal neuralgia, pain often resembles the condition, as if a hot nail is piercing the chest.
- The so-called scoliotic deformities began, which also affected the ribs, and part of the spine.
However, in most cases, the spine is deformed due to degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs, causing osteochondrosis. The patient feels mild or sharp shooting pain in the chest and heart. In this situation, manual therapy of the thoracic region is especially useful.. Undoubtedly, due to the risk of rib fractures, therapists are limited in the use of certain techniques. Nevertheless, for young and middle-aged people, do not have osteoporosis, There are several effective manual techniques.
Treatment of the thoracic region with manual therapy
A competent chiropractor can handle all these problems., including our specialists beauty salon El grial salon. Eg, to treat neuralgia they use “sticky” spanking and tapping. This checks for liver problems using light test strokes on the right side.
Manual therapy of the thoracic region for osteochondrosis includes several procedures. A specialist conducts testing, that is, examining the back for the presence of scoliosis and other pathologies, as well as the nature and severity of the pain syndrome. Then he relaxes the patient's muscles using massaging movements and proceeds to treatment.
Usually, The therapist uses a pressure technique with quickly moving the palm back and forth, as well as the technique of light punches through the fingers of the second hand.